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Emma Swan/The Savior

A skeptic since she could first remember, Emma Swan has more issues than any person her age should be clutching onto. Frightened to permit anyone to touch her heart, she barricades herself with walls, casting out anyone that treads near her proximity. After all, why would she embrace anyone when her entire life everyone either deserted

or misled her?

 If anyone would have told her a year ago that all those fairytales she grew up reading in the orphanage were all reality she would have laughed and recommended they spend a night or perhaps a week at the local mental asylum so when a little boy showed up at her door clutching a book and claiming to be her son and that she was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming? The world she knew was heaved off it's axis. Nothing has ever been the same for
her since that day.

Imagine the dumfounded expression on her face when she discovered the "Curse" her son was rambling on and on about was authentic, so including being "The Savior" Emma has to partol a town with the help of her Father-that's not much older than her-, shares custody in the upbringing of her son, and oh, not to mention slay the Dragon hidden in the bowels of the Library's basement, but she wouldn't change any of it for any expense. 

After all, every lost girl only wants her family, even a Savior.



Regina Mills/Evil Queen

Every sinister woman has their own tale to tell whether or not the story they spin excuses their actions or unjustifies them, because whether you base your faith on it or not, some are just searching for their happy ending. Any sense of bliss Regina ever held a shred of was ripped from her hands and the wounds in her heart were never entirely healed. Many are still raw and those open chasms festered into something deep and distorted.
Underneath all that cynical destment though lingers a woman longing to love and be loved and this misconstrued witch is trying to alter herself for the better, because sometimes the villian never asks to be labeled as "Evil" and they simply become what society perceives them as.

David Nolan/Prince Charming


Diligent and unwavering, David Nolan was the epitome of industrious laboring from the time he was a little boy to a fully matured male. Cultivating the land and herding the sheep on the small farm he and his mother owned and lived, it had always been the two of them, even in advance to " James' " father being killed in a carriage fatality. It was when the delightfully cunning and otherwise "uncharming" Imp, Rumplestiltskin, arrived on their front porch that David made a decision that he has never regretted. 

In order to aid his mother with both coin and food, he took the position of his deceased twin brother as King George's son where he learned etiquette, sword-fighting, and how to rule over a kingdom and he met the love of his life, Snow White. Snow ransacked his carriage and stole the priceless ring that belonged to his mother and he pursued her and together the two of them made the journey to Troll Bridge to retrieve the sentimental object. In an ironic twist of fate, Snow White was the one that deemed James as "Charming" because she believed it suited him better than his
plain name.  
Though the two have had pile after pile of complications and obstacles, their love story is forever untold, because no matter what they face they will always find one anothe

Ruby/Little Red Riding Hood/Red

The tale tells that Little Red Riding Hood went traipsing through the woods to her Grandmother's house with a basket containing food
to help weather her ailment. Along the way she was stopped numerous times by a Wolf that went to every extreme to take a bite from the the young girl. 

Red isn't as defenseless to a prowling Wolf. It would be rather difficult if she were incapacitated by a monster living within her.
An exuberant and unconstrainted young woman, Red is fiercely devoted and loyal to her friends and family, especially her grandmother despite the constant bickering between the two. An exceptionally skilled tracker, Red has a keen sense of both hearing and scent.
While she used these abilities once for the greater good, she discovered that working in a police office was not the right track in life for her. Working as a waitress and helping her grandmother with fiances and managing their Diner and Bed and Breakfast? It's all just right for her. Just be careful walking onto her territory. She may just bite, and during the times inbetween she can bond with her mad scientist. 

Afterall, monsters that play together, stay together.

Belle French/Lacey/Beauty

Beloved daughter of a lord, when the Ogre Wars reached her family's doorstep, to help her people she made a deal with the Dark One, Rumplestiltskin. 

She would go with him. Forever.

Her family, her friends, her people, they would be safe. At his word she gave hers and the deal was struck, but forever isn't nearly as long as one may think when a heart gets involved and others refuse to allow happy endings. 

When the curse came about it gave everyone a different unhappy ending. For the beauty of this tale, she lived with no memory of her past but those of four gray walls and daily visits from people in white who kept her groggy. No one came to speak to her but she would see the eyes peering in from the door slot that were so dark they made her wish for the dreams of the gold-skinned man that the shots kept at bay.

Twenty-eight years is a long time to live in a box with nothing but your own dream and memories to comfort you.  When that door opened and a strange man put her in a coat and pulled her from her cage and he made her remember to find a Mr.Gold and tell him that Regina had locked her up, she knew a really big adventure was about to begin.

Maybe forever really could happen this time even with a less savory side of herself  tucked away in the fold.

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