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Jason White/Jack Frost

One of the Chosen Guardians whose goal is to protect the dreams of children from the Nightmare King and bring joy to the world, Jack is the King of Winter. Being the one that brings the cold of the season every year, over and over, he has been doing so for over three centuries. A bit of a mischievious misinthrope, he is sometimes an overly arrogant and pompous egotist though at heart Jack still is altruistic and will do his best to protect those in need whenever it is necessary without hesitation or fear.

Emma/Savior of Darkness


Emma, otherwise known as Emmie, is the darkness that lurked in Emma Swan. Corra produced her from the confines of the malicious aura and soul of the sweet and innocent baby of Snow White and Prince Charming. Most of her life was spent in the Enchanted Forest, including during Regina's curse, and despite being raised as a sister to the Evil Queen, her and Regina are far from compatible. Corra spent more of her time doting on Emmie rather than her own flesh-and-blood and Regina harbors some resentment towards the blonde. Emmie has recognition of all the memories and any information that Emma Swan may stumble across, although she is oblivious to the fact that Swan has a child. Concealed in the basement of the hospital, Emmie has finally met the true Savior, and both of them have inquiries that are spiraling into more puzzlement rather than answers. Unlike the actual Savior, Emmie would rather wreak havoc then defend a person's integrity and vitality.


Thanatos Killick/The Devil

Arrogant in his own right, Thane never voices his own conceit, then again why would he need to when it would be a rather blatant waste of his time, and while time is abundant for him, how he spends it is not.

With an ambiance that screams his authority, Thane rarely indicates the storm rumbling below the surface. Keeping the world theorizing over him, his expression is a blank slate that does little to indicate what he may be afflicted with....That is unless it is a certain Dark Faye that tends to wedge herself under his skin, and not in any way he would prefer her to be.

With a name that literally means Death Devil Child and being the very devil, the embodiment of death as well as the child of death, they're all rolled into one person. A complicated past for a complicated man, most are warned against him for when someone encounters him, he is one to never be actually trusted. A deal with the Devil is a deal with a life, usually the signer's life, and their very soul will be condemned forever. Thane already has a wide collection of souls, but never enough...No, he would quite gladly welcome anybody down into the very pits of his Planet Hell.


Marissa Rouge/Bloody Mary


-Coming Soon-

Peter Pevensie/The High King

Peter Pevensie is far from the acknowledged educator at
Storybrooke Elementary School. Weathered through
his bones and to the depths of his soul there is a prudence that swallowed the boy and protracted the man. Obtuse and
apathetic from the lessons he mastered from combat,
his period out among soldiers and warriors has taught him significantly. 

Gravely despaired by the conflict beset within him
and his brother and sisters, Peter lacks the necessity
and appetite to display his emotions.
In his own personal inferno, he is continually gilded as a
King of Ice
and enticing him into a retreat from his own self-pity is a pathetically unprofitable feat.

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