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Here within Toon shore, you will find that the colors are generally more brighter than anywhere else. In fact, all across it's world the lands are more colorful and bringing smiles to people's faces. Here you will find places with equally colorful names such as Mouseton or Duckburg in which you will find a wide variety of anthropomorphic animals, dogs, ducks, mouses, and various other animals walking and talking like human beings. Or even just talking animals such as those in the lands of Africa where lions rule on top of Pride Rock. Of course you will find some clothed, some half-clothed, or some simply not clothed at all. It all depends on where you are within this land  

It is generally a peaceful existence within this world. Evil most certainly exists but it never manages to triumph. It is a land of amazement where everything seems possible and anything can be seen. It is truly a land of adventure where not a single day is dull.


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